Apartments for pet owners in South Delhi | Namastey Homes

Searching for a pet-friendly apartment in South Delhi does not need to be a hassle because Namastey Homes takes care of that. Dog lovers and cat owners alike can find large apartments at Namastey Homes that are perfect for them and their pets, lasagna included.

Our apartments located in South Delhi includes lots of space, access to parks and many pet friendly amenities for every pet owner. Namastey Homes acknowledges that pets are indeed family members. Hence, all our accommodation units are animal safe. Properties are offered in strategic locations, for instance, Max Hospital, Saket so that, you and your pet can live the urban life without any compromises being made.

Namastey Homes offers how many rental apartments for those who want to rent age pet friendly apartments. Availabilty of our apartments is not limited to smaller pets only but to larger bred pets as well considering that our houses have easy to mop floors, balconies suitable for pets and walking paths close to the house.

In case you are one of those moving to South Delhi and looking for the best apartments for pet owners, look no further than Namastey Homes. Our accommodations strike a perfect level of consideration for you and your pet – convenience, comfort and care. Select Namastey Homes in order to affordably and enjoyably rent an apartment in the South Delhi area.

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